Columbus, Ohio: “Chief of All Details” for Non-Profit, Partial Remote Work

by | Virtual Work Opportunity

(Partially) Virtual Job Posting:

LOCATION:  Columbus, Ohio

Contract Job Description: Chief of all the Details  (AKA Project + Operations Manager)

Our national non-profit 24-7 COMMITMENT, headquartered in Lewis Center, Ohio, is in need of a Chief coordinator of all the details.   The single point person we go to and keep all the mission-serving initiatives rolling along efficiently and effectively. This is a project / event / operations manager role to make sure all the i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed and the execution of the mission moves forward, while taking the burden of these details off the plate of the Executive Director.

You will work personally and closely with the Executive Director and become the go-to person for all answers aside from strategy and business direction.

We have a small, high performing team who has served the marketing, community management and merchandise space for almost 5 years now.  We have an amazing crew of volunteers who lead many other initiatives and help us pull off our big events.   But we’ve outgrown ourselves and it’s time to take our mission to the next level.

We believe that adding this resource will not just cover the cost of those resources but increase the funding for the organization to be able to deliver more services.

Today this work is performed primarily by Executive Director, Lori Mercer and supported by Jessie, a VA who has been with the organization since the beginning in 2012 and is a master as Canva graphics, social media scheduling, managing our wordpress and membership community and has a strong feel for the copy that needs to be written for this audience.

For this role, we are looking for someone who is:
– detail oriented
– a strong project manager
– efficient and values a lean operation
– has a friendly heart for customer service
– can take a concept and break it down into all the steps and be sure they are assigned, completed and followed thru on to deliver a quality program
– comfortable with technology and online communications – Zoom meetings, google drive sharing, Asana project management, Facebook admin
– able to work closely with our marketing team to direct marketing projects
– able to be self-directed and work independently and with remote team members

Hours required:
– initially 10-15 / week M-F between 9 – 4 pm
– located in Columbus, Ohio
– some work required from the office (shipping, meetings, etc)
– 2 travel events / weekend projects: April conference and July conference

This is an hourly contract position.

Projects and Responsibilities include:
– monthly new member welcome kits
– shipping and customer support for our books and programs
– event planning and detail management for 1 annual couples retreat (Columbus July 2018) and 1 large trade show where we sell merchandise primarily (Indy in April)
– reporting, organizing and keeping everyone up to speed on the status of projects and programs
– setting up and defining processes where they are missing
– donor and supporter gifts / giving letters
– general project management of campaigns and initiatives
– finding and sourcing new merchandise relevant to the mission
– filing and organizing both physical and digital paperwork for the organization
– leading and coordinating team and volunteer meetings and updates
– additional personal assistant tasks as needed by the Executive Director – booking flights, travel, etc. (could expand for her other businesses based on work performance)

How will your performance be measured?
– By how much work you can take off the Executive Directors plate
– On time delivery of initiatives
– Happy customer responses

Candidate must be a strong proponent of healthy marriages (our mission) but does not need to be married to do the work.

To apply, complete this form.


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