Don’t You Want To Do Work For Someone You Really Like?

by | Virtual Professional, Virtual Work Opportunity, Working Moms

{Virtual Work Opportunities for the week of April 10th….scroll down…. but we’d love for you to read our advice on how to land these great opportunities first!}

As I read through the available virtual opportunities this week, I kept seeing a lot of REALLY nice people.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been in the industry for awhile and have the chance to talk to so many business owners and can literally see their faces and hear their voices.

These really nice people want to match up with other really nice people and have some really nice business processes to make their lives easier all around.

Behind all of these opportunities are simply really nice people. Now, sometimes they are extra stressed and a little short with their words because of it, but that’s often where you come in.

The simplest things can be taken off the plate of a busy entrepreneur and suddenly you’ve opened up hours of mental freedom for them.

I’m adding some tasks to my VA team right now that are so freeing to me (one is email management…that hot burning skillet I’ve refused to release from my tightly clenched fists for so long)

As you look at these opportunities and head into interviews with them, remember that. These are people, sometimes with families, who are accountable to their customers to do good. And chances are in the online space, they’ve been taken for a ride more than once by other freelancers.

So what do we teach here? Be a pro.

Show up and be a pro in: 

  • how you deliver work
  • how you communicate
  • how you offer advice,
  • humble yourself when you miss something
  • serve their customers as if they were your own

{by the way….If you talk to someone and get that vibe that they aren’t a good person, run. Don’t second guess that gut feel. You’ll definitely regret it.}

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All these nice people really want is another nice person who can show up and do pro work for them.

{These virtual work opportunities are pulled from various sources around the web each week.  Some are free listings and some require a membership to sites such as FlexJobs or HireMyMomIf you want the best clients, long term business and the highest rates, we suggest using these sites over free Facebook groups.  To learn how to refine your search for the highest dollar virtual work opportunities, try our fast class.}

Techy VA for Busy Entrepreneur

Your chance to help this growing design firm WOW their clients. When growth happens, the owners get overwhelmed and need help to maintain their services in a quality manner. This means – proposal writing, onboarding, client communication, team follow up and quality checks on the work.

Now, the rate posted here is too low for the “jack of all trades” they are looking for. But with the right spin on your value, you can make them even more profitable and find a good fit being “Ms. Organization and Detail” while they get more profitable.

The list of skills includes: excellent communication skills, administrative skills, and experience with tech tools such as WordPress and Graphic Design are a plus!.

Full-Time Virtual Office Assistant to CEO

Are you looking for one simple shift to a single client but with work from home? This could be for you as you become a virtual office manager. Everything from quality assurance testing, writing blog posts, organizing files/information, etc. Assisting with work in other departments such as SEO, recruiting, digital production, etc as needed. Managing administrative tasks such as managing calendars and special events and answering phones.

Sometimes it only takes ONE CALL to change your path.

Part -Time Remote Ghost Writer for Online Dating Service

Oh, seriously FUN work here. An Online Dating Service is looking to hire a person to ghostwrite online dating profiles and messages for our clients. Can you picture it? Use your wit, humor and the ability to capture the readers’ attention with storytelling and vivid descriptions.

Personal VA for Entrepreneur, Writer

Super busy, honest, transparent family-man entrepreneur looking for that VA to help him regain traction with more organization –
work includes a variety of projects such as email management, travel, and writing projects, as well as some internet marketing around upcoming writing projects + a great deal of assistance with organizing the details and schedule of his many ventures.

(This feels like it could be a very personal, relational kind of fit for the right VA. If you have patience, are good at making processes and helping someone who isn’t good at sticking to them, then I’d be applying.)

Part-Time Techy VA for Financial Tech Company

WANTED: Super detail orientated tech-savvy VA to do reporting, testing, troubleshooting, and various admin tasks.

(now I didn’t even to write the rest of this because their job description is AWESOME! Which is a great sign of someone who’s doing well in business and has excellent long-term work available…. here’s where they pick up….)

Are you OCD when it comes to accuracy? Does the sound of a part-time zero stress super flexible work-from-anywhere tech-savvy VA job seem like a dream? If yes, then you may have stumbled on the perfect opportunity for you. Here’s why…

(click through to the job description for full details but here are a few more things they want you to know)
Drip, ClickFunnels, SamCart, AccessAlly, Stripe – You’ll be in charge of our entire tech stack and marketing/sales funnels and the weekly reporting for those sales funnels.

[thrive_leads id=’36263′]

1 Comment

  1. Amanda

    Love the message of this post!


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